MTP Podcast Episode 12: MPP Bill Walker

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Bill Walker, MPP

Progressive Conservative Health Critic

Join us this month as we engage in a candid discussion about the politics of health care in Ontario with MPP Bill Walker and how to bring the issues concerning the PA profession to the floor at Queen's Park. 

Bill is a member of provincial government for the Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound riding in Ontario and he is currently campaigning for re-election. He is the progressive conservative health care critic for seniors, long term care, and access.  He was first elected to legislature in 2011, prior to that he was the Operations Manager at Bruce Power, and was Executive Director at the Bruce Peninsula Health Services Foundation.

We first met Bill one year ago after requesting to meet with him to discuss the PA profession in his riding with the help of the CAPA (Canadian Association of Physician Assistants) presentation. He was very welcoming at the time and gave his undivided attention to learning about the PA profession and us as individuals. We met again at Queen's Park during the PA day at Queen's Park in the fall of 2017 where Bill continued his support. He has devoted much of his time and career to represent and fulfill the needs of his community, including healthcare.

If you would like to contact MPP Bill Walker, please use the information below. 

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Rebecca Mueller