MTP Podcast Episode 10: Andrea Pansoy, CCPA
Andrea Pansoy, CCPA
Andrea is an active member of the PA community in Ontario, Canada. She works full time at a family health team in Brampton, Ontario since she graduated in 2011. She also is involved with the McMaster PA program teaching first year students in the classroom and second year students in clinic. Additionally, she leads CAPA (Canadian Association of PAs) networking groups in the Brampton and Mississauga regions of Ontario helping to provide on the ground support and bridge any gap between front line PAs and CAPA administration.
Andrea gives some good advice to PA students about using the second year placement experience to solidify employment as well as some other suggestions to financial support the PA role in a family practice setting in Ontario.
Andrea, Rachael, and Becky have an in depth discussion on the current political and career climate of PAs in Ontario. Ontario is the most populated province in Canada for PAs and regulation and sustainable funding models are lacking. Will this change? If regulation happens, will it directly impact day to day practice? Is regulation necessary in order for politicians to develop a funding model? Our opinions on these topics are strong, either way, the PA profession will continue to be a prominent feature of the Ontario health care system.
Andrea is available to be contacted via email
She is an active member of the Ontario PAs facebook page;
And on LinkedIn: